
Chart Readings / Consultations, Classes, Speaking Engagements


Chart Readings / Consultations

“The great miracle of astrology is that it can identify the traits which might otherwise be lost – and so go unused.”
--Marc Edmund Jones

At its simplest, astrology is the study of the position and movement of planets and other celestial bodies, and their relation to our own lives and events on Earth. The most common Chart Reading, called a Natal Reading, looks at the location of these bodies relative to a person at the moment they were born. With this data, a wealth of personal and emotional information can be gathered. An example of a natal chart can be found here.

The first step in getting a reading is to provide me with your date, time and place of birth. (If you don’t know the time of your birth, a reading can still be done.) With this information, I will create a natal chart like the one in the link above, and we can then connect in person or via phone or Skype to analyze it together.

The key for me in chart reading is to tune in to how your chart is currently manifesting in your life. What is working? What aspects of your life do you wish you could change? What potentialities aren’t you tapping in to? Where would you like to go in your life? What factors in your chart can help you get there?

While you can find free astrological information on the internet (and some very good writing is available), much of what is out there may be off-base for you, and some is unduly troubling. Additionally, it’s very difficult to integrate all of the pieces of a chart. What is most important? What is more of a side-note? With a reading from me, you’ll get a personalized consultation that cuts through the noise, finding true resonance between your chart and your life.


Astrological classes offered in the Boston area on various topics, including cosmic insights into modern events and culture.

Next Class:  

Chart discussions - Beyond Beginners

Saturday mornings, 9:30 AM EDT, starting October 23

Class length - An hour and a half plus

Four Saturdays. Cost: Just $75 total for the 4 sessions. 

Each week, we'll discuss the current transits by looking at the chart for the start of the class. We’ll adjust the class content based on the experience level of the attendees. Most likely, it won't be super-advanced. The first class, besides the discussion of the current transits, will include a brief review of the basics - signs, houses, planets and aspects, to get everyone on the same page. Some of the potential later topics:  Void-of-course Moon, the transiting Moon, Mercury retrograde (Rx), etc. We will almost certainly discuss Mercury retrograde, since the Rx period would have just ended. We can swap Mercury retrograde stories! 

We will also focus on chart interpretation, via looking at the charts of famous people. Some possibilities – Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Muhammad Ali, Taylor Swift, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Britney Spears.

Speaking Engagements

Workshops and lectures on subjects ranging from Introduction to Astrology to Marc Edmund Jones and Mental Chemistry.